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Corporate responsability

The ClarkeModet Group has incorporated its commitment to the global challenge for a more sustainable future into its business strategy, integrating ESG aspects (Environmental, Social, and Governance) in its business model.
ClarkeModet’s values ​​and objectives are aligned with the ODS approved by the United Nations in 2015.
Therefore, ClarkeModet considers the impact that group actions may have on their environment while ensuring business continuity.

Integrity and good governance

In ClarkeModet we incorporate the best practices and international standards of good governance and integrity in our codes of conduct, as well as compliance with legality. All this serves as the basis for facing present and future challenges.

Our ethical code collects the principles and values ​​that preside over the professional activity of our entire team. These principles not only govern internal behavior but also relations with all interest groups: clients, suppliers, competitors, allies and public administrations.

Ethical principles of our professional activity

Prevention of corruption and bribery.

Personal interests shall not be put before the interests of the company.

Prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing.

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Observance of current legislation.

Security and information integrity.

The ClarkeModet Group has implemented a Compliance Management System with a preventive objective, thus avoiding unwanted behaviors that can lead to sanctions or reputational damages for group companies. Each company has its own criminal compliance policy following corporate models but adapted to local legislation.

Ethical Channel

We have an ethical channel in each of the countries in which we are present. Each of them is open to customers, suppliers and other interested parties that wish to communicate an irregularity, formulate an ethical and/or regulatory consultation or monitor their complaints or consultations.

Quality and Transparency in Management

Quality is fundamental. All ClarkeModet processes are oriented to excellence and are based on principles of transparency, quality, innovation, communication, proactivity, and personalized attention. Guarantee of the excellence of our services are ISO 9.001 certifications (Quality Management System) and ISO 27.001 (Information Security Management System).

For the sake of transparency in management and information about ESG aspects, we report KPIS in matters of sustainability since 2019 within the report of non-financial information states.

Talent, diversity and inclusion

We actively support diversity and promote an inclusive environment in our different work areas, recognize the uniqueness and plurality of all our collaborators and appreciate the qualities that make them unique.

Our talent management policies, equality and non -discrimination are aimed at promoting equal opportunities for professional development in each company, ensuring non-discrimination in all people management processes.


Although our activity does not entail a significant impact on the environment, we have an environmental policy that encourages the reduction of natural resources consumption, responsible management of the waste generated and the fight against climate change.

Social commitment

We are aware of the impact that, as an international business group we have on the world. Therefore, we are committed to economic progress in the communities in which we have a direct presence through the different companies of the group, as well as indirectly where we act through third parties, through local employment in security conditions, respect to human rights and work.

Also, our services contribute to raising productivity through diversification, technology, and innovation.

Social actions

We make contributions and sponsorships to associations and foundations related to our activity. Throughout each year, solidarity campaigns and voluntary work are organized, especially at Christmas.

Let’s team up and go to the next level

Global presence

We are backed by more than 24,000 customers worldwide.


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Become part of our global network of IP protection experts.

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